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Practical script workshop

Audiovisual Language Construction


Professor: Alvaro Valencia

Visual artist. 

CEO of Aural Networks 

Audiovisual narrator and musician .


In this workshop, the student will learn about the process of developing a cinematographic technical script, for a short fiction, which can be adapted, according to the particular interest of each student, based on their own idea, which  It will be developed throughout the Workshop, starting with a Story-Line , to continue with the elaboration of a Rundown, leading to a literary script, to finally conclude, with the elaboration of the technical script.

Review and analysis of Audiovisual references: The review of different audiovisual references will be proposed to illustrate and open a discussion about the different styles, the themes they propose, the facts they narrate and what they can provide of value to each student who takes the course in your own screenwriting process.


Practical Exercise: Each week progress will be made in the process of  step-by-step writing, for the development of a technical plot script. 


Descripción de la actividad
Recursos que apoyan la actividad
Introducción al curso
Presentación del curso, estudiantes y profesor. El lenguaje audiovisual Movimientos de cámara, Cortes y transiciones.
El acorazado Potempkin - Sergei Eisenstein
Story Line
Definición de temas de interés para el Story Line
Lola rennt - Tom Tykwer / Gritos y Susurros - Ingmar Bergman
Del párrafo literario a la ruptura en escenas
Stalker - Andrei Tarkovski
El Guion Literario
De las escenas a los diálogos y las descripciones.
Blow Up - Michelangelo Antonioni / Las Babas del Diablo - Julio Cortázar
El guion técnico / El cómic y el Cine
El estilo audiovisual. La hiperquinética VS. La contemplación - Del Storyboard al rodaje
Kaopolis - Mario Mendoza & Keco Olano / MTV de los 90’s / Historia de Lisboa - Wim Wenders.
Nuevas tecnologías - Revisión final del guion técnico y musicalización
Redes sociales, Editores de video con IA - Propuesta de correcciones
De Vine a Tik Tok y Youtube / El Bueno, el malo y el feo - Sergio Leone

$55 us dollars




twenty% DISCOUNT for each workshop paying 2 Workshops (12 sessions)

Other workshops:

Creative writing

Chronicle and Literary Journalism

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